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-ETNOUS, publishes books in small and medium editions, from 40 to 500 pieces; -The author establishes the book sale price and edition; -The author can use the small edition, for market testing; -If the first edition is sold, ask for a new order, at the same price; -ETNOUS executes books including printing; -Books are sewed thread; the covers are polychrome and plasticized. The phisical life of a book, in a normal usage, can reach up to 100 year; -The books distribution is ensured by the author, or through specialized firms; What to do, so that your book is published at ETNOUS. -The author prezents the intention to publish a book. The manuscript-hand written, printed or in electronic format- is sent by e-mail, classic mail or through site. (doc or pdf format). If the cover design is also available, send it in jpg, png, or tiff format. -The material analysis takes up to two days; -In case of the content acceptance, the publishing prepares the final form for printing - technoredaction if it's the case, cover, etc., but not before a contract is signed between the author and the publishing. -The author does not assign the copyright to ETNOUS publishing, during the contract period, as it happens in other cases. -The publishing prepares the final form for printing and presents it to the author. The author is responsable for the paperwork original. -The author is consulted on the cover to give the signature for the press. -After the Book printing, the package with books, is sent to the author address by quick post. -The payment is due upon receive of the package by mail. -The publishing provides ISBN and CIP description. -ETNOUS publishing provides the paperwork printing. The first edition should include 7 copies for the legal Deposit Books, according to the legislation. Services offered by the Publishing -Editorial advices -Manuscript corrections -Translations reviews -Printing preparation -Cover design, graphics preparation -Publishing -Book promotion -Support for novice authors. Request offer